N0 JUDGEMENT:a breath of fresh air
Each generation has had vastly different experiences on this Earth, shaping who we are and what we do. So why have we started using judgemental language saying something is more sustainable than its competition? Why are your actions better than someone else's?
We are all a part of this movement towards a better planet and all generations can and should talk about it without hesitation or guilt. We should inspire and learn from one another to reach our collective goals because we are all a piece to this puzzle.
The “No Judgement” collection starts from 2 generations ago when the designer’s grandfather was on the team perfecting the latest plastic/polyester developments. Outside of work, he diligently taught his children a waste free life. Fast forward a generation, and those waste-free tips were carried through to Ani, the designer of this collection who is now striving for a plastic-free world - to undo the doings of past generations, but without the slightest ounce of judgement. Because at the time, their experiences told them this new development was the cure for creating durable products and solving world hunger.
Plastic has become part of the earth, part of our oceans, and it’s in the air that we breathe. Plastic has also become so synonymous with clothing that we don’t even notice it’s extent. It is estimated that 60% of all clothing is made from plastic. This is not a breath of fresh air, this is suffocation.
But, thanks to mother nature, there are alternatives that allow us to create plastic-free, plant-based jeans.
DAWN Denim x Simply Suzette’s new plastic-free collection proves that 0 plastic is possible.
Using organic natural fibres and eliminating those secret plastic bits like poly-threads, labels, and pocketing, we’ve developed 4 plant-based pieces.