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创意的未来是干净的! Simply Suzette 接受了 Clean Creatives 承诺,以表明我们对创意产业未来的承诺,其中不包括促进污染。在这里了解更多。

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创意的未来是干净的! Simply Suzette 接受了 Clean Creatives 承诺,以表明我们对创意产业未来的承诺,其中不包括促进污染。在这里了解更多。

简单的 suzette

是一个在线平台 弥合牛仔行业和消费者之间的差距


Simply Suzette 为您带来行业洞察力和秘密,并为您提供做出明智的采购和采购决策所需的信息,无论您是有意识的消费者、设计师、产品开发人员还是初创品牌。



创意的未来是干净的! Simply Suzette 接受了 Clean Creatives 承诺,以表明我们对创意产业未来的承诺,其中不包括促进污染。在这里了解更多。


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Simply Suzette 的董事和创始人,以及可持续牛仔布和传播专家。

我为像我这样的牛仔爱好者创建了 Simply Suzette,以了解更多关于时尚行业可持续生产流程的信息。从研究生时装管理课程和我在时装行业的工作毕业后,当我了解到牛仔布生产对人类和我们星球的影响时,我感到难以置信。


一切都是给予和索取。 您不必成为人权活动家来关心制作牛仔裤的人,也不必成为环保主义者才能了解我们的消费习惯必须改变。相信大家都有良知和选择,希望能影响大家在购买前三思。我的目标是保护世界并照顾其中的人们。在此处了解有关我的工作和服务的更多信息。


My name is Macy and I’m known as ‘the girl who wears berets’ (Yes you will absolutely catch me wearing a beret on Zoom calls and Yes, I do have berets in all colours)! 😝

Although I’ve always been amazed by the beauty of humans and the art of fashion, I have never imagined myself being in the Fashion world. A few years ago, I made a big decision to move from Hanoi (Vietnam) to Toronto to pursue higher education in Business. 2 years later, I landed myself in the happiest place in the world - Denmark, where I was introduced to sustainable fashion for the first time. I then found my passion in understanding the mindsets of consumers and finding ways to effectively communicate sustainability to more people. I believe that ‘production comes after demand’.

After returning to Toronto, I joined Fashion Revolution Vietnam, working remotely as their content creator. I was also working as a research assistant at The Fashion Institute of Humber College and got to interview Ani as the case subject for our very first project focusing on local businesses.

I am excited to be a part of the simplyTeam as my main job is translating 'big' sustainability concepts into practical creative content. 💡

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我的名字是弗吉尼亚,我出生在意大利,从那时起就对时尚界着迷。当我开始我的工程学研究时,我以为我最终会建造水坝和桥梁,但后来我了解了时装业,以及相关的环境破坏和社会不平等,并决定将科学与由创意领导的世界结合起来。我有幸在制造学院(剑桥大学)学习,我永远不会忘记我看到的第一批工厂。相信我们都应该知道服装生产的幕后花絮,不仅是因为它的负面影响,还因为它太有趣了,以至于隐藏起来。我想回答品牌教我们不要问的问题。我在亚洲工作了几年,与工厂合作并改善他们的循环性和包容性工作,在那里我遇到了 Ani。我们的价值观从第一天开始就保持一致,所以我在这里,用科学的视角支持 Simply Suzette 的研究方面。

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Hi there,


My name is Aisling, a designer & art director from Toronto. I have been enamoured by Fashion since a young age when I started thrifting and later on when I entered the modelling industry. While I’m passionate about the unique creativity and ability for self-expression that the sector holds, I began studying Fashion Studies & Graphic Communications at TMU, where I quickly learnt about the environmental and social impacts of Fashion, motivating me to learn all I could about sustainable Fashion. That’s when I met Ani. 


Looking to connect with people making a positive impact in the industry, I attended a pop-up event for sustainable fashion brands where Ani was selling Denim. We bonded over a shared interest in envisioning a sustainable fashion future, and now I’m excited to be a part of the team to create meaningful content with impact.


On a six-month exchange in Copenhagen, Denmark, I learnt about sustainable Fashion and saw how sustainability can be implemented in the design. A city of bikers, great design, and Hygge, the culture present in the city taught me to view creation in a more holistic, connected way. We are a product of the environments we consume, and so is our clothing.


I approach all my projects with empathy and aim to use my research and art direction skills to help spread sustainable fashion solutions and promote honest research. I’m excited to be part of the Simply Team to create visual and written content that pushes the traditional boundaries of Fashion to support sustainable innovation and a return to the slow, natural processes that support creation. 

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