A recent program called Denim to Denim was developed to advocate for circularity exploring the real life working experiences of people along the global value chain who normally don’t have contact with us. It was an eye opening project and loved the recommendations that were created out of this project! Find a summary below or the link to the full report :) ⤵️
Denim to Denim is a collaborative program that advocates for circular [denim] practice from the ground up and encourages design for secondary markets. The project relied on, on the ground exploration as well as digital communications technology, such as online meetings and webinars to facilitate dialogue and to capture visual content. In this way we explored the real life working experience of people in the global denim value chain, who would never normally have contact, let alone an opportunity to compare experiences and technical insights about denim design, construction and life cycle.
Working with a replicable format of short course, dialogue sessions and pre-set interviews the project fostered collaboration and a unique opportunity to enerate important recommendations based on human centred experience, knowledge and innovation. Collected from two very diverse cultural and industry centres this project makes visible the practical issues and potential solutions derived through shared practice and new connection. The recommendations, although generated in only two regions are relevant to the global dialogue around circular denim.
Denim without stretch could prevent massive volumes of non degradable materials and keep true to the original use of denim and its inherent durability as they key vale - Jahmale Ukson
Legislate compulsory durability testing on all new denim garments based on 30 home washes - Janelle Hana
More emphasis on care and repair at primary retail, communicated more explicitly by the manufacturing brands - Amber Joiner, Folakemi Shonubi
Design for repair. for example side seams that are easy to open and are not top stitched or overlocked closed - Janelle Hana
A key component to extending garment lifespan is a high quality heavy weight pocketing fabric - Janelle Hana
Legislation around chemical and finishing processes should include garment user phase and secondary market scenarios - Patrick Nwanade, Kemi Babajide, Janelle Hana
Easier access to repair services and normalise visible mending. - Amber Joiner, Kemi Babajide
Change the stigma around second hand through emphasis on care and preservation so that garments can become vintage. - Amber Joiner
Governments could incentivise repair and reuse by dropping vat on repaired and upcycled goods, as there is currently an issue with the cost of a repair being more than the cost to replace the garment - Janelle Hana
Designers need to back the ideas and looks that the planet can afford instead of saying the market wants this or that (eg ripped jeans or chemical intensive washed looks) - Janelle Hana, Jahmale Ukson, Eno Adnrew-essien
Find the full details of the project here.
Denim to Denim Report, page 38