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plastic fashion 101

Hello! And welcome to Plastic Fashion 101!

We define ‘Plastic Fashion’ as any process or material that is derived from or contains oil & gas – the same raw materials that make up fossil fuels. And sadly, most of the clothing we make today is made of oil. 


This initiative expands upon Simply Suzette’s Denim and Fashion Supply Chain 101, focusing on plastics in fashion. We initiate with foundational principles of sustainability and how they interlink with plastics and fossil fuels, then progress through the supply chain stages to show you the hidden world of plastic in fashion - beginning at the source. 


Our objective is to shine a light on the multiple ways in which plastics have entered the fashion industry, and how this causes various health risks, as well as social and environmental concerns. We believe that if there was more knowledge on fashion supply chains, consumers, designers, and all those who come across fashion in their lives would have the tools to make more responsible choices. 

We start by introducing some practices that are relevant across the entire supply chain and then dive into the specific steps that materials go through.

Click on each step below to learn more ⤵


Step 1:

Raw Materials

Step 2:

Material Processing


Step 3:

Cut & Sew 


Step 4:

Packaging & Shipping

Step 5:

Use & Care

Step 6:

End Of Life

Feel free to skip directly to the part that interests you the most, and let us know if this was useful for your work, studies, or curiosity. 

善の力としてファッションを使用することの提唱者として、Simply Suzetteは、インパクトストーリーを高めるクリエイティブなコピー、ビジュアル、デジタルコンテンツを作成します。  
アニは、デニムのサプライチェーンにおける持続可能な実践とソリューションの専門知識を活用しています コピーライティング、デジタルコンテンツ、教育に特化した持続可能なストーリーテリングを通じて、前向きな変化と革新を強調します。

コラボレーションしましょう: ')
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